.Net 6 based web application to implement document editor using GroupDocs editor


I have been looking at Group Docs .net editor sample available in GItHUB. Having few questions. Could you please help with below?

  1. Looks like even GroupDocs is making use of CK Editor for document editor. Then May I know what are the additional advantages of using Groupdocs editor instead of using CK editor or any other Rich text editor?

  2. Can we implement groupdocs document editor without using any rich text editor?

  3. does groupdocs editor has the features to implement the editor for pdf files as well? if so, could you please direct me to any sample or blog?

  4. We would also want implement a document editor, however would like to enable editing of only specific content/fields of the document(may be based on some configured fields). could you please let me know if that is possible?

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First of all GroupDocs.Editor supports most of the popular document formats such as PDF, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, XPS and others. It allows you to edit a PPTX irrespective if MS PowerPoint is installed or not. When developing your own document editing application using GroupDocs.Editor, you have following privileges prior sending document to WYSIWYG editors (because eventually you have to use such an editor):

  • Edit password protected document
  • Platform independence
  • Independence from third-party applications (e.g. MS Office, PDF reader, Outlook)

GroupDocs.Editor lets you only edit popular document formats using simple WYSIWYG editors right in your web browser. You don’t need to install any extra software like Open Office or MS Office. Just open your document with GroupDocs.Editor, make your edits using the WYSIWYG editor, and save it back in its original format.

Please take a look at this documentation article - Edit PDF, it better explains how to edit a PDF.

Back-end API doesn’t support or control that. However, you could disable editing certain part of the document at UI level.

Very nice document!


Please let us know if you have any questions or need any assistance.