.Net Core version of the Assembler product

Will there be .Net Core version of the Assembler product?

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Please have a look at the system requirements. API supports .NET Core as well.

I apologize for not being more specific. I was wondering when support for Core 3.0 would be available.

Also, when trying to install the Nuget package into a .Net Core 2.1 project, you get warnings about incompatibility. Is there an official .Net Core 2.1 assembly for download?

When using the current assembly from Nuget in a Core 2.1 project you get the following error at run time:
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: 'Could not load file or assembly 'System.Drawing.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'. The system cannot find the file specified.'


We are investigating this. Your investigation ticket ID is ASSEMBLYNET-153. As there is any further update, you’ll be notified.

Should I be able to use that ticket ID to check the tickets status? The only way I see to do that is via the Paid Support link and you have to have a support plan. Is there some other way to check the tickets status?


Ticket/issue status will be updated (e.g. resolved, feedback) once there is any progress/investigation outcome. Currently this ticket is under investigation. As there is any update, we’ll also notify you.

Hi with the release of dotnet 5, is there any update on this library being available for modern dotnet?


Your query is assisted here.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ASSEMBLYNET-153) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by ivan.lyagin