New license is not working


I have received my new license, replaced the old file with the new one, and it is not working, I get the evaluation watermark text, this has never been an issue for the past years.

.NET 4.5.2


It sounds like you’re experiencing issues with your new license not being recognized, resulting in the evaluation watermark appearing. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot this problem:

  1. Verify License File Path: Ensure that the path to your new license file is correct. The license file should be accessible from the location where your application is running. You can set the license using a direct file path or by placing it in the same directory as the GroupDocs.Conversion.dll.

  2. Check File Name and Extension: Make sure that the license file is named correctly. Sometimes, when downloading, the file may inadvertently receive an additional extension (like .xml). Ensure that the file is named exactly as expected (e.g., GroupDocs.Conversion.lic) without any hidden extensions.

  3. Set License in Code: Ensure that you are correctly setting the license in your code. Here’s a simple example of how to set the license from a file:

    using GroupDocs.Conversion;
    using System;
    class Program
        static void Main()
            License license = new License();
            Console.WriteLine("License set successfully.");

    If you prefer to load the license from a stream, you can do it like this:

    using System.IO;
    using GroupDocs.Conversion;
    class Program
        static void Main()
            using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead("path_to_your_license_file/GroupDocs.Conversion.lic"))
                License license = new License();
            Console.WriteLine("License set successfully.");
  4. Check for Multiple License Calls: Ensure that you are not calling the license setting method multiple times unnecessarily, as this can lead to performance issues.

  5. Consult Documentation: For more detailed information on licensing, you can refer to the official documentation which provides guidance on how to apply licenses correctly and troubleshoot common issues.

If you have followed these steps and are still encountering issues, consider reaching out to GroupDocs support for further assistance.

[1]: Licensing and evaluation - GroupDocs Documentation

I have tried the license with v24.1 and it works.
So the issue resides with v21.2, the license provided, is not retro-compatible, although, it does not throw an error when loading it…

We are investigating this scenario. Your investigation ticket ID is CONVERSIONNET-7395.


We have completed the investigation and determined that the newer license file signature format is not supported by GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET version 21.2. Support for this format has been introduced starting from version 22.10.

To assist you, I have created a private topic in the Purchase category, requesting the Purchase team to provide a license file compatible with your product version.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused.