No Such Method Error


I encountered this error when I deployed GroupDocs Conversion in the web environment:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: a.(Ljava/io/InputStream;Lcom/groupdocs/conversion/api/options/FromCellsOptions;)V
at aa.a(Unknown Source)
at aa.(Unknown Source)
at W.(Unknown Source)
at com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.ConversionHandler.convertToHtml(Unknown Source)

It seems that the class a.class (with no package) is conflicted with the class from other third party library that we use.

Hello ,

Thank you for your inquiry.

Could you please share with us next:

- version of the GroupDocs.Conversion for Java library that you use.
- your production .pom file
- version of JVM

We will wait your details.


Best regards,
Evgen Efimov
Your Document Collaboration APIs
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Hello Evgen,

Here is the details:
- GroupDocs.Conversion 1.3.0 for Java
- JRE 8u60

For production pom file, we are not able to able to share with you.

I guess this class is generated by some of obfuscator.


I have asked you to share your pom file because I think that you use other GroupDocs libraries in your project or other third party libraries that includes in our conversion library. So, could you please specify them.

At the moment in the GroupDocs.Conversion for Java 1.3.0 version are included next third party libraries:


and if you use in your project the same libraries, but with different versions . Then you can use such marker to exclude the libraries from using, for example:


or use the same versions of the libraries in you project.

We will wait for your details.


Best regards,
Evgen Efimov
Your Document Collaboration APIs
Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Google+

Hi Evgen,

Thank you for the reply.

We don’t use Aspose. We only use GroupDocs Conversion for Java only (GroupDocs.Conversion.jar). There is a class called a.class (with no package) in another third party library that we are using. This is causing the clash with GroupDocs class with the same name (with no package).


At the moment our product team works on new generation of the GroupDocs.Conversion for Java library and this issue should be fixed in it. This library will be released soon .

As a temporary solution , you can try to use JarJar repackaging tool for your third party library if it possible.

Please stay tuned with our newsletters .


Best regards,
Evgen Efimov
Your Document Collaboration APIs
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