One question about GroupDocs.Viewer_2.4.0_java_samples

When I click a link to view the document,can I set the path to save the converted files?

Hello, Suncheng!

All converted (cache) files are stored in the "temp" folder of the file path. This file path can be configured in the sample. Depending on a sample you are using it may be different. For example, in the Dropwizard configuration.yml it is "assets: overrides: /assets:" setting, and in the Spring sample ( - "groupdocs.viewer.filePath=".

I know that the converted files are stored in the “temp” folder of the file path .And the file will be named disorderly.I want to save every converted files in the path I set in the program not in the “temp” folder.

Sorry, but no. There is no option to store every cached file separately. This is function of the converter not the viewer, what the GroupDocs.Viewer is.

If you are interested in using GroupDocs.Viewer, we may discuss your use-case and try to make everything so it will be satisfied.