Page have not room to place a paragraphs


I have to following code to compare pdf files:

public static class PDFCompareController
private static string licensePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[“Workingdir”] + “/GroupDocs.Comparison.NET.lic”;
public static bool check(string bron, String doel, string result)
GroupDocs.Comparison.License license = new GroupDocs.Comparison.License();
ChangeInfo[] changes = null;
using (Comparer comparer = new Comparer(bron))

            changes = comparer.GetChanges();

        if (changes.Length > 0)
            return false;
            return true;
        changes = null;

Compare seems to work but when
having documents with tables(i could send the docments i try to compare) i get the following exception: Page have not room to place a paragraphs.

I would like to have a fix for this.

kind regards,

Jeroen Bossenbroek

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Could you please share following details:

  • GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET API version that you are using
  • Problematic source and target files
  • Development environment details (e.g. .NET version, OS details)

Hi Tamir,

Thanks for your response.

Hereby the information.

· GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET API version that you are using: GroupDocs.Comparison 24.3.0

· Problematic source and target files: see files

· Development environment details (e.g. .NET version, OS details) : Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Standard, .Net Framework 4.8

Kind regards,


WIAKCCFormulieren.WIAKCCAanvraagWIA1-1.pdf (149 KB)

WIAKCCFormulieren.WIAKCCAanvraagWIA1.pdf (148 KB)

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We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.


You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as COMPARISONNET-3958) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by anton.samarskyy

After installing the newer version i get the following error:

Could not load file or assembly ‘System.Drawing.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified…

Why is it asking for a deprecated version?

And how do i solve this?

Well downgraded the System.Drawing.Common and now the following exception:
The type initializer for ‘Aspose.Pdf.XmpField’ threw an exception

some more logging:
The type initializer for ‘Aspose.Pdf.XmpField’ threw an exception. The type initializer for ‘Aspose.Pdf.XmpValue’ threw an exception. at Aspose.Pdf.XmpField.get_Empty()
at #=zdOLCm3mUhfkwdiCMYC5ANgLss7hTfBAFkY5JIMU=…ctor(#=zuzVNoakvmO7FKtVYuVKgoM9cVI65aPdFHAPPudc= #=zEFfoSmo=, Boolean #=z_Hi6KyVmvyyI)
at #=z_rTvZnPcGrZNDTn3cCzBgZmDDVLZ4oUnjwdc8Ro=…ctor()
at #=z$IMHLTT6XB2gwNQXBheFyo90ajOoiOtAVYVJsUc=…ctor()
at #=z7OYuAG6f2B6JknBGFTA5vFz1aCgt6MVylHWQoYo=.#=zZTKGr0xqNsTf()
at #=zwiHnLPO_pZ01jMkPUb7Sieg1JxTdVDWsul3ecjQaiKt4…ctor(#=zqv9Ie2eWCbughkRzPQLY6qSDeFdh #=zLcBpNpM=, #=zNlXqjqNz0HpTaLoyRkQsQ2WmHlx$Iu3rWg== #=z2gjj94w=, #=zU9Vh7gAU4ZMIdpayEFMv6gxhqTuqYBtuz8Oe2ME= #=zAdmSA0cywQaq)
at #=zb4x1ZjNtomqLO6WKZLqqLSyMfSPbcBdMGcd1irg=.#=zCH0X7k3JtbuI(#=zqv9Ie2eWCbughkRzPQLY6qSDeFdh #=zLcBpNpM=, #=zNlXqjqNz0HpTaLoyRkQsQ2WmHlx$Iu3rWg== #=z2gjj94w=, #=zU9Vh7gAU4ZMIdpayEFMv6gxhqTuqYBtuz8Oe2ME= #=zAdmSA0cywQaq)
at Aspose.Pdf.Page.CalculateContentBBox()
at  …ctor(Page )
at  .(Page )
at  …ctor(Page )
at  . ()
at  .( )
at  . ( , CompareOptions , SaveOptions )
at GroupDocs.Comparison.Comparer.(Stream , Document , Document , CompareOptions , SaveOptions ,  )
at GroupDocs.Comparison.Comparer.Compare(Stream document, SaveOptions saveOptions, CompareOptions compareOptions)
at GroupDocs.Comparison.Comparer.Compare(String filePath)
at UWV.OM.TEST.Teststeps.PDFCompare.PDFCompareController.check(String bron, String doel, String result)
at UWV.OM.TEST.Teststeps.PDFCompare.PDFCompareController.checkDirs(String bronDir, String doelDir, String resultDir)


We are investigating this scenario. You’ll be notified in case of any update.

Found the problem. Had to reference the package: System.Text.Encoding.CodePages.

See to work correct now.


A post was split to a new topic: PDF comparison is taking a long time in .NET


Good to know that the issue is fixed.