PDF file displays wrongly in Mobile ios phones

There are shifts when viewing the PDF file when opened on mobile ios. Can we solve this issue by our side or this is some kind of bug

You can see the wrong display in attachment
MicrosoftTeams-image (21).jpg (27.9 KB)


Some of the UI issues have already been fixed in our online app View documents online | Free GroupDocs Apps and we’re planning to move these changes with the visual theme to our demos. I opened the issue in our bug tracker. The issue ID is VIEWERNET-4321. As soon as we have any information we’ll update you here.


Please share the source file. And the details about the demo you’re running, which settings you’re using.


DoxagonViewer.Endpoint.zip (233.1 KB)

Our .Net project is running on server. We open that groupdocs project in iframe in both web and mobile endpoints. Its working correctly on web but in ios phone its display in the previous comment. So our project in attachment.

*When Preview page is loading with “{PREVIEW_HOST}viewer?file=${base64Params}” url, we open an iframe on the web side. We display on the ios side as same way too. In iframe


Thank you for sharing the project file, we’ll try reproducing the issue at our side.


The issue you reported is fixed in the latest version of GroupDocs.Viewer.UI package. This version of the UI improves support for desktop and mobile devices. See the screenshots of the quick view and view in Safari:

Please let us know if you have any questions.