PDF file loading slow (.Net Core project)


We have a problem with loading pdf files. 3 pages pdf file takes over 30 seconds to display.
Previously we had this issue at another ticket. And problem occured mostly in large pdf files and we get update from Groupdocs in below ticket and got faster.
But now our customer tries with sample example pdf file and it has only 3 pages and its takes 32 seconds to display pdf.
In project file download part is below 0.5 seconds. Like screenshots in previous ticket that is not the issue to
I share the detailed screenshots and project.

I put example pdf file in attachment. Its 3 pages and 800kb and takes 18 seconds to displayed.
I found the issue is happening mostly in scanned images in pdf file. So its not a size and page count problem.

Previous ticket about this issue:

slowNetwork.PNG (72.8 KB)
GroupDocsSlowExample.zip (227.4 KB)
sample_pdf_fileNetwork.PNG (111.9 KB)
Sample_Scanned_PDF.pdf (866.5 KB)


The upcoming version 23.6 is going to include performance optimizations for rendering PDF files with graphics or scanned images. Our performance-profile reports show significant improvements in memory and CPU time consumption. I’ve tried to render the attached file with 23.4 and 23.6-pre in a console application, of course, this is a simple console application with one iteration but the results are quite similar to what we’ve got when running in performance profile.

GroupDocs.Viewer, Version=, Configuration=Release

File: Sample_Scanned_PDF.pdf
Running: RenderAsHtmlWithEmbeddedResources
Elapsed 9.3375414, seconds
Running: RenderAsHtmlWithExternalResources
Elapsed 8.6037034, seconds

GroupDocs.Viewer, Version=, Configuration=Release

File: Sample_Scanned_PDF.pdf
Running: RenderAsHtmlWithEmbeddedResources
Elapsed 5.16255, seconds
Running: RenderAsHtmlWithExternalResources
Elapsed 4.638943, seconds

We’ll let you know when 23.6 will be available.


Thank you we are waiting your feedback. And we are using these version above. Are they included in here as well?

dllversions.PNG (20.9 KB)


Sure, we’ll also update GroupDocs.Viewer.UI.* packages. We will notify you when the updated version is available.


Is there any update on this issue? In addition, if there is a projected release date, can we get information?

Thank you
Best regards,


We’re planning to publish GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 23.6 by the end of this week or at the beginning of the next one. As soon as the new version will be available we’ll notify you here.


Thanks for your support. We are waiting your feedback.

Thank you
Best regards,


Sure, I’ll update you.


GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 23.6. has been published. The version is available at

You need to update GroupDocs.Viewer.UI.SelfHost.Api to 6.0.13 in your project to get the latest version.

<PackageReference Include="GroupDocs.Viewer.UI.SelfHost.Api" Version="6.0.13" />

Have a nice day!


Thank you

Have a nice day!


You’re welcome. Let us know if you have any issues.