I’m evaluating the product for our company using the .Net sample code. Using the sample.pdf provided I run ConvertToHtml and the images are not visible in the output. Is this a known issue?
We cannot reproduce this issue at our end using following code:
var converter = new GroupDocs.Conversion.Converter(@"D:/sample.pdf");
var convertOptions = new MarkupConvertOptions();
converter.Convert(@"D:\output.html", convertOptions)
Please have a look at these output and source files.zip (1.1 MB). Could you please share more details:
I’m using version 21.8 it’s the latest stable version on NuGet. Yes, I am using the open-source examples.
I cannot run the sample code using .Net framework as the debug folder is empty under the GroupDocs.Conversion.Examples.CSharp.Framework folder and errors are returned. Error attached.frameworkError.png (4.2 KB)
I am running using .Net Core 2.1 which was the preset value.
I will get a temporary license today and see if that makes a difference.
We still cannot reproduce these issues at our end. However, we have prepared a .NET core sample application for you that could be downloaded here. Please install or restore the NuGet package and let us know if issue persists.
Thank you this works.