PDF to HTML conversion output issue on MS Edge using .NET


I’d like to report an issue with conversion .pdf to .html. Problem occurs in Microsoft Edge (Example documents are attached).

I am trying to get „fixed width” document as a result.

When I examined the resulting source code I realized that you are setting override style which overrides the width.

Problematic css rule: @supports(-ms-ime-align:auto) { .stl_02 { width: auto; overflow: hidden;}}

Can you please advise me?

Kind regards

result.zip (822.7 KB)
source.pdf (1.5 MB)


Thank you for your inquiry.

In order to investigate this issue at our end, we need following details:

  • Can you please tell for which platform (.NET or Java) you are evaluating the API?
  • API version (i.e. 18.7, 18.8).

It is for .NET, API ver 18.10.


We are investigating this scenario. Your investigation ticket ID is CONVERSIONNET-2836 . As we have any update on it, we shall notify you.