PDF to PNG stuck

Hi, we’re using a lot of pdf to png conversion, .net version of lib, and it’s from time to time and very randomly stuck on the processing. Files in general are not so big, usually 10-20 pages. We have a logic that restricts the concurrent conversion up to 3 threads, but one per week, sometimes more often it anyway stuck on random files. And without restarting the service its threads will leave indefinitely. According to the logs, we saw a file that stuck on conversion for 3+ days. Dou you aware of such bugs or have any recommendations on how we could avoid that?


Please share following details and we’ll look into this scenario:

  • API version that you are using (e.g. 20.10, 22.5)
  • Sample conversion code or application
  • Problematic file(s)
  • Do you have a valid license?
  • API version that you are using:

  • Sample conversion code or application:

    private ConvertedDocument GetPagesInPngFormat(ConvertDocumentDto convertDocumentDto)
    // Create the list to store output pages
    var pages = new List();

          var logger = new GroupDocsLogger(instanceId.ToString());
          var viewerSettings = new ViewerSettings(logger);
          using (var viewer = new Viewer(convertDocumentDto.DocumentInputStream, convertDocumentDto.LoadOptions, viewerSettings))
              var pageStreamFactory = new MemoryPageStreamFactory(pages);
              var viewOptions = new PngViewOptions(pageStreamFactory);
              if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultFontName))
                  viewOptions.DefaultFontName = defaultFontName;
              if (convertDocumentDto.ConversionFormat == ConversionFormat.PngThumbnail)
                  viewOptions.Width = serviceConfiguration.ThumbnailWidth;
              return GetConvertedDocument(pages, convertDocumentDto.ConversionFormat);
  • Problematic file(s): there no specific files, any file could stuck, even a blank white page with helo world inside

  • Do you have a valid license: yes

@Atir_Tahir comment above^


Can you please share a couple of such files that we can use to reproduce this issue?