Performance between trail version and full version

The user is very concern about the performance of loading the document. Is the performance between trail version and full version are the same? Since the trail version only display two pages, can I expect the same performance in the trail version as the full version? Thanks!


Actually, it is not correct to think about two distinct versions - trial and full. There is only one version, which can work in two modes: trial and full. When you specify a correct and un-expired license, it switches to the full mode, in all other cases it works in the trial mode.

So, answering on your question: the performance is the same regardless of the current mode of the GroupDocs.Viewer.

1. Try to use HTML-based rendering mode ("UseHtmlBasedEngine(true)" method) if it is suitable for you and there are no document distortions.
2. Use "PreloadPagesCount(1)" method. When using this method GroupDocs.Viewer will begin to load document to the client-side when first page of the document will be converted. When this method is not used, GroupDocs.Viewer converts all pages of a document and only then sends it to the client-side.
3. Use "MinimumImageWidth(value)" method. MinimumImageWidth: if set, the Viewer will load page images with the specified width from the server when starting. It will not load page images from the server again after zooming if the current page image size is smaller than the value specified and if the original (not scaled) page image size is smaller than the value specified. It means that in most cases the GroupDocs.Viewer will load page images only once and will not reload them after zooming in/out.
4. If this is possible for your business-logic, disable thumbnails ("ShowThumbnails(false)").
5. If this is possible for your business-logic, disable ability to select text by using "SupportTextSelection(false)" method.
6. Use "ShowViewerStyleControl(false)" method - it will disable "double page flip" option and will increase performance.

If all these tips don't increase a performance to the desired level, or they are not suitable for you, or you want to reach almost instant displaying of the document regardless its size, you should use the ahead-of-time caching, which is described here.

If you will have more questions please feel free to contact us.

In order to make the decision to buy it or not. The user wants to make sure in trail mode, the whole documents are actually arrived in the computer cache, not just the first two pages.

I have seen the post regarding the performance and used some of them. Thanks!


Well, there is no need to perform such complicated things. You are able to generate and use a 30-day evaluation license for the GroupDocs.Viewer as well for any other product. With the evaluation license GroupDocs.Viewer works as a fully functional registered product, where all features are unlocked. This license expires after 30 days after the moment when it was generated.

Here is an instruction for generating the evaluation license:
1) Register an account at GroupDocs
2) Go to the “Purchase product” page of that product, which you want to evaluate: Pricing - Purchase -
3) Click the “Buy license” button. You will be redirected to the Containerize.IdentityServer - Single sign-on to access all applications and services of Aspose Pty Ltd.
4) Add the products they are interested in getting the evaluation license for to their shopping cart
5) Go to the “View Cart” page and on the bottom of the “View Cart” area there is a button “Get Temporary Licenses” Screenshot by Lightshot

5) Obtain a license from your mailbox

If you will have more questions please feel free to contact us.

User doesn’t content with the loading performance. I want to use the cache, but the files are not located in the same folder. Does the cache work? For example, my root folder is c:\test. Some of the files are in c:\test\China. Some are in c:\test\Hong Kong. Some files in these two locations may have the same file names.


This is not a problem. GroupDocs.Viewer supports related paths with subfolders. All cache is stored in the internal subfolder “/temp”. It is not recommended to change this folder, its subfolders or files, it can damage the proper functioning of the GroupDocs.Viewer. But in the root folder you can have an unlimited amount of subfolders with unlimited depth. For example, if the “c:\test” is specified as a root folder (Groupdocs.Web.UI.Viewer.SetRootStoragePath(“c:\test”);), and if you have the next documents, which should be displayed, here are examples:

c:\test\file1.pdf -> .FilePath(“file1.pdf”)
c:\test\China\file1.pdf -> .FilePath(“China\file1.pdf”)
c:\test\Hong Kong\file1.pdf -> .FilePath(“Hong Kong\file1.pdf”)
c:\test\Hong Kong\sub-subfolder\file1.pdf -> .FilePath(“Hong Kong\sub-subfolder\file1.pdf”)

GroupDocs.Viewer uses not only the pure filename, but also the part of the path as a component of file identifier.

If you will have more questions please feel free to contact us.

I have seen another message about the document cache. It should be done when uploading the file into the web server. But what about the file is in a file server?

Also, Does increase the web server RAM and no. of processer help to increase the preformance?


I’m afraid I didn’t understood your message clearly. Please clarify what do you mean under the “I have seen another message about the document cache”? What message? Where?

Usually, there are two ways of passing the documents to the GroupDocs.Viewer: files and streams. If your documents are saved as the files in the web-server, then the best way is to use these files directly via the “.FilePath” method.
In any other cases, when your documents are stored on another machine, or in another location where your web-site doesn’t have an access, or your documents are stored in the database, then you should use streams. This is described in the article “How to Use GroupDocs.Viewer with Streams in ASP.NET MVC or WebForms Projects” in details.

What about your last question - yes, you are absolutely right, the when you increase an amount of RAM and CPU power, it leads to the increasing of the performance of the GroupDocs.Viewer. Actually, GroupDocs.Viewer “spends time” because it needs to convert the document of any type to the only type, which is “understandable” for any browser: HTML, CSS, images, SVG and JavaScript. The bigger and more difficult document requires the more time for its conversion.

If you will have more questions please feel free to contact us.