PPTx and Excel files Display Problem

When we open a PowerPoint file via GroupDocs.NetViewer project we are having this issue:
viewer displays like this on local project.

image.png (9.7 KB)

But it should display like this as your online viewer displays

image.png (8.0 KB)

Also xlsx files have similar problem.
This is what it looks like:

image.png (16.7 KB)

This is what it should be :
image.png (15.9 KB)

I updated .net UI project to latest nugets , and latest codes like you have on github.
Also using latest angular package, and updated build/dependencies.props

I don’t think its a bug, its working on your side .
What am I missing?



Please share the sample app you’re using and we’ll take a look.

For excel files: you can use Net Uı sample project on github.

For pptx, after upgrading lots of code we can display slides. Probably they got stuck at cache so we couldnt se change.
Now we can see , its exactly like UI sample project.
But it is still not showing properly, so you can also sample project to see problem.
Shouldn’t this slide supposed to be at center?

image.png (27.4 KB)

Thanks for your help


In case you’re rendering presentations in HTML mode the fix will be included in 24.3 that is planned to publish by the end of this week.

Can you please clarify which mode you’re rendering your file?

I havent set any setting for rendering mode, which I didn’t know there was one.
Directly running sample project on my windows device . I am using this one as startup project:
image.png (1.6 KB)


Got it, thanks for the clarification. This issue was fixed, the fix will be a part of the next public release. We’ll let you know here when it will be available.

PowerPoint problem fixed by your latest package, but Excel situation still remains.

Is that related to some config ?


The issue with Excel requires additional investigation. We’ll let you know in case of any updates.

It looks like the issue has the same roots - the head section of the HTML document is stripped. Can you please attach the sample application or share the sample file with screenshots, so we could reproduce the issue at our side?


I’m sorry for the delayed response. To resolve this issue you have to enable rendering of grid lines and headings.

        .AddGroupDocsViewerSelfHostApi(config =>

            config.ConfigureHtmlViewOptions(viewOptions => {
                viewOptions.SpreadsheetOptions = SpreadsheetOptions.ForOnePagePerSheet();
                viewOptions.SpreadsheetOptions.RenderGridLines = true;
                viewOptions.SpreadsheetOptions.RenderHeadings = true;

The result will be the following:

The complete sample application can be downloaded here.

Learn more about Excel files rendering at: