PPTX template as input not working

Hi we have use case where we want power point template with placeholder and json data to bind to placeholder. I am testing your assembly product for this use case. My code is working for excel and word templates but not with power point could you please look into it and let me know if my approach is correct ?

Error while generating
java.lang.IllegalStateException: An error has been encountered at the end of expression ‘no…’. Can not get the value of member ‘no’ on type ‘class com.groupdocs.assembly.system.data.DataRow’.

	void groupDocPPT() throws Exception {
		String fileInputPath="src/test/resources/templates/Presentation.pptx";
		String fileOutputPath="src/test/resources/output/Presentation_out.pptx";
		String dataSource="src/test/resources/data/introduction.json" ;

		JsonDataLoadOptions options = new JsonDataLoadOptions();

		JsonDataSource json = new JsonDataSource(dataSource,options);

		DocumentAssembler documentAssembler = new DocumentAssembler();
		documentAssembler.assembleDocument(fileInputPath,fileOutputPath,new DataSourceInfo(json));


groupdoc.zip (321.9 KB)


We are investigating this issue. Your investigation ticket ID is ASSEMBLYJAVA-253. You’ll be notified in case of any update.