PPTX template as input not working

Hi we have use case where we want power point template with placeholder and json data to bind to placeholder. I am testing your assembly product for this use case. My code is working for excel and word templates but not with power point could you please look into it and let me know if my approach is correct ?

Error while generating
java.lang.IllegalStateException: An error has been encountered at the end of expression ‘no…’. Can not get the value of member ‘no’ on type ‘class com.groupdocs.assembly.system.data.DataRow’.

	void groupDocPPT() throws Exception {
		String fileInputPath="src/test/resources/templates/Presentation.pptx";
		String fileOutputPath="src/test/resources/output/Presentation_out.pptx";
		String dataSource="src/test/resources/data/introduction.json" ;

		JsonDataLoadOptions options = new JsonDataLoadOptions();

		JsonDataSource json = new JsonDataSource(dataSource,options);

		DocumentAssembler documentAssembler = new DocumentAssembler();
		documentAssembler.assembleDocument(fileInputPath,fileOutputPath,new DataSourceInfo(json));


groupdoc.zip (321.9 KB)


We are investigating this issue. Your investigation ticket ID is ASSEMBLYJAVA-253. You’ll be notified in case of any update.

Hi I wanted to follow up on the above support ticket, I understand that you’re investigating on a solution, and I appreciate your efforts.As I am currently in the process of researching and evaluating libraries for our use case , it would be really helpful to have a sense of when a resolution or update might be available. This will allow me to determine whether the library can be utilized for my project or if I need to explore other options.

Could you kindly provide an estimated timeline for when I can expect an update or solution?

Thank you again for your assistance, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


This ticket is still under investigation. We’ll notify you as soon as we have any progress update.


Could you please confirm the version of GroupDocs.Assembly you are currently using? We tested your scenario with the latest version (24.9.1) and were unable to reproduce the issue when using the following option:

However, we could replicate the issue in older versions of the library.

We recommend ensuring that you are using the latest version. If the issue still persists, please let us know, and we’ll be happy to assist further.


Hi, Thanks for the quick response. Yes I am using 24.9.1. OS: ubuntu 20 Java:17 . Please check the attachment and let me know if something needs to be improved . You can find the code in test cases
groupdoc.zip (1.2 MB)


Thanks for sharing the additional details and the code. We are now in progress of our investigations and will be back soon.



Hello, thanks for waiting, it looks like you are evaluating the GroupDocs.Assembly in trial mode and this is a side effect of the trial limitations.

Feel free to request a temporary license from this link. Temporary licenses are valid for 30 days.

The code below shows how to apply the license from a file.

License lic = new License();

Please let us know if the issue still persists.

Hey thanks above solution worked !

1 Like

Hi , I was checking how to insert image in ppt with placeholder and came across
" At the moment, GroupDocs.Assembly does not support images in PowerPoint Presentation."
So is there a timeline for support of this feature ?


Thank you for your request, we are currently considering the possibility of including this feature for GroupDocs.Assembly for Java in our short-term plans and will provide a timeline estimate soon.

Hi , if the data exceeds the available space on a single slide, it overflows instead of automatically continuing onto a new slide. This causes content to overlap. Is there a way to handle this scenario, such as automatically generating new slides when the data exceeds the space available?
overlap.png (66.5 KB)
groupDocs_ppt.zip (70.3 KB)


We have to investigate if a workaround is possible and plan to ehnance our functionality with a possibility to continue onto a new slide.
We have opened the following new ticket in our internal issue tracking system: ASSEMBLYJAVA-255 and will resolve it according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.