Printing annotated file


we are using older annotation assembly for .NET. We recently updated to the newer viewer libraries and we plan to update the annotation libraries as well but we were wondering if printing an annotated file will result in the annotation markups showing as they are not just numerical marks and comments from the right side? Can printing annotated file show the markups as they look in the viewer for example free hand drawing, if i draw a circle can that be shown like that or will always be rendered as a numerical mark?


Thank you for your inquiry. Please note that Next Generation GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET is a totally UI-agnostic API that can be integrated in any .NET application. Using latest version of GroupDocs.Annotaiton for .NET, you can add supported annotaitons and print them. Please find the screenshot attached for better elaboration.

Furthermore, you may find following resources helpful:

GitHub Example / Showcase Projects
GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET Documentation
Video Tutorials YouTube Videos

Hi Sami

Thanks for you answer but i am afraid your third link is not available and cant really see the result of a printed annotation to see if what i am asking is solved or not.
Can you please update the link.



Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Please find below the updated screenshot. In attached screenshot I have added polyline annotation which is visible in print preview.
print annotation.JPG (115.1 KB)

i tried the git version you provided and while printing the pdf with annotation i noticed that the comments were not printed, is there some settings that i need to enable in the script for the annotation widget to be able to see the comments when printing the file with annotation or that has been disabled?
Is there a way to enable printing from the menu through any other printer like it was the case with the old annotation version where i was presented with a screen to choose from printers available locally instead of using the default print to pdf in the temp folder?

We have logged your scenario as an investigation in our internal issue tracking system. As we have any update, you’ll be notified.

Please note that GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET 3.x is a totally back-end, UI and framework independent API that can be integrated in any .NET project/application. Moreover, these showcases are open-source, you may enhance them to any extent or as per your use-case.


We have an update on the scenario logged as an investigation. The comments added on the file/document are only available for previewing on the computer and they are not printable. In order to see all existing annotations and comments of them, we would recommend you to download copy of the document/file. Furthermore, this feature is already implemented in our showcase project. Please follow below steps to download file/document:

  1. Extract the downloaded project and open the solution file in Visual Studio
  2. Right click on solution and press Enable NuGet package Restore
  3. Build the project
  4. Run example project
  5. Add annotations and comments using annotation tools on left side of the project
  6. Download file/document using top left icon

Please also find attached screenshot for further reference.
Download with Comments.png (172.9 KB)

Hi Sami thanks for the reply i have tested the download file with comments but the result is a pdf file on which i still cannot see the comments if i am not using some aditional pdf reader/viewer like Foxit or Nitro and than i have to summarize the comments from there and print them on separate pages.
For example i cannot do that using windows pdf reader or some lower level pdf viewer. Which again requires an additional software for our clients to use.
I was hopping for a solution where i can print the annotation along side annotated document as they were printed in the older annotation assembly. The generated pdf file with comments is good in terms of the annotations which i can see look the same as the annotation editor but it lacks the comments without a proper pdf reader.
Can you provide me with some solution or sample for this issue?




We are investigating if there is any possibility of such feature in GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET 3.x or if there is any workaround. As we we have any update, we’ll notify you.