Problem in converting email file(eml, msg...) to html

Hi support team,
I using GroupDocs Conversions .NET for convert file to html.
I expect to view the email content by default when converting email file (msg, eml…)

Not converted result of the deepest attach file inside email.
Same problem with conversion of pst file, ticket is still open status.

Issues Status

CONVERSIONNET-5809 ---- Status : Open

Sample source attached.
This sample source, we have customized ourself by set the depth to be converted.
Please fix it in the next release of GroupDocs (164.6 KB)

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.


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Please take a look at this reply. Let us know if it resolves the issue for you.

Thank for your reply.
This problem is not really resolved.
I would like to confirm about EmailLoadOptions.

  1. Can you tell me the difference between Depth = 0 VS ConvertOwned = false?
  2. If email file (msg or eml) contains attachments, so
    Depth = 0 means email file itself?
    Depth = 1 means attachments?
  3. If I set EmailLoadOptions with Depth = 1 and ConvertOwned = false
    Which should be prioritized and processed, the Depth setting or the ConvertOwned setting?


Please spare us some time to further investigate these options and guide you accordingly.


The ConvertOwned is with a priority. Depth is only for owned documents.

Thank you for your confirmation.

Depth is only for owned documents.

No, I don’t think so.
I have been using this feature since purchasing a license for GroupDocs Conversion.
When Depth was set to 0, the email itself was being converted.
Attachments were converted when Depth was set to 1.
However, I recently discovered that the behavior is sometimes reversed, so I am inquiring again.
Attachments were being converted when Depth was set to 0.
When Depth was set to 1, the email itself was converted.
I feel like there is a bug.
Our subscription has expired, but could you please check again?
If you cannot find the problem there, could you please share the verified eml file?


We are further investigating this scenario. You’ll be notified as soon as we have any update.


Please note that Depth is only for the nesting level of the owned documents. In other words, if ConvertOwned is false, Depth does nothing.

Noticed this topic which is also of interest to me…

With regards to EmailLoadOptions, noted from the documentation that ConvertOwner & ConvertOwned default to true and Depth defaults to 1.

For Depth, it might be good to enhance the documentation to specify what the possible values are and what they mean.

Noted also in this other link, it says to set Depth to 2 to convert attachments:
Load Email document with options | Documentation(


We’ll surely consider this suggestion of yours.