Hi ,
HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();saveOptions.setOutputType(OutputType.String);CONVERSION_HANDLER.convert(“C://temp//capbudg.xls”, saveOptions);
Hi ,
HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();saveOptions.setOutputType(OutputType.String);CONVERSION_HANDLER.convert(“C://temp//capbudg.xls”, saveOptions);
Thanks for the response. May i know whether there is an excel to HTML converter in 1.3 version.
HtmlSaveOptions htmlsave = new HtmlSaveOptions();htmlsave.setSaveFileType(FileType.HTML);try {String convertedDocumentPath = CONVERSION_HANDLER. convertToHtml(fileName, htmlsave);} catch (InternalException e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace();}return fileName;com.groupdocs.conversion.exception.InternalException: Can’t convert to html!at com.groupdocs.conversion.handler.ConversionHandler.convertToHtml(Unknown Source))
Able to resolve above issue with the following code , but why we need to set the worksheetIndex to 0 .Does Groupdocs converts every sheet into a separate HTML.Is it possible to convert the entire excel with multiple sheets into a single HTML??
HtmlSaveOptions htmlsave = new HtmlSaveOptions();htmlsave.setSaveFileType(FileType.HTML);htmlsave.setSplitWorksheetIntoPages(true);htmlsave.setWorksheetIndex(0);htmlsave.setSavePath(folderPath + File.separator + fileName);ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(inputFileByteArr);try {String result= CONVERSION_HANDLER.convertToHtml(is,fileName.substring(0,fileName.lastIndexOf(".")), htmlsave);return true;} catch (InternalException e) {LOGGER.error(“Error occurred while converting to HTML”);} catch (ConversionException e) {LOGGER.error(“Error occurred while converting to HTML”);}return false;
I am using version 1.3.0 for java. I have already tried with 3.0 ,since it has some limitations as mentioned in the thread i am trying 1.3.0 .
Best regards,
Evgen Efimov
Your Document Collaboration APIs
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Hi ,
Best regards,
Evgen Efimov
Your Document Collaboration APIs
Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Google+