Problems with Drupal GD Annotate module

Hi Guys,

I am trialling the GroupDocs Annotation module.

Initially when I try to navigate to a file to add to a content type that has a GD Annotation field, it throws the following error message;

“Uh oh, looks like we are currently experiencing
difficulties with our API, please be so kind as to drop an
email to to let them know, thanks or click here to try again.”

I continue with trying to upload a file to see what will happen and I then get the error message:

“Please, fill in correctly Client Login and Client Password on ‘GD Annotation’ configuration page.”

I have the necessary jquery libraries installed and have the password and API key entered.

I'm not sure exactly what to look at next but I'm pretty keen to get this up and running if possible.

Thanks in advance.

Hello Simon,

We are sorry to hear that you have such issue. We investigated the issue and we reproduced it when we set in Apache configuration “ AllowOverride None”. Did you try to investigate/update Apache modrewrite configuration?

To solve the issue please try to check your Apache configuration and set “AllowOveride” parameter to “All”.

Please investigate our documentation for plugin installation -

If you will have additional queries or questions please feel free to get in touch with us and we'll be glad to help,