Reading order is not correct for header footer

header footer test.docx (21.5 KB)

This is the doc file you can use


Thank you for sharing the sample file. I can confirm that I can reproduce the issues that you’ve described in Chrome and Edge browsers on Windows.

I have the latest version of Chrome and JAWS 2024 installed. And here are the results that’ve got:

As you can see the reading quality is better in Adobe Acrobat.

After analyzing the GroupDocs.Conversion for Java output PDF document structure I have created tagged PDF header footer test.pdf (87.2 KB) using Microsoft Word. I did make sure to create tagged PDF for acesibility:

Then I have tested PDF created by Microsoft Word with JAWS in Chrome and Adobe Acrobat and got the same results as with the file created by GroupDocs.Conversion for Java.

It seems to be an issue with Google Chrome of with JAWS since JAWS features list Chrome as a supported software:

  • Works with Microsoft Office, Google Docs, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and much more

Unfortunately, I can’t confirm that the issue you’re experiencing is related to GroupDocs.Conversion for Java.

Have you tried contacting JAWS support with this issue?

Thank you for reply here @vladimir.litvinchik . Can you also confirm on issue
“Reading order of each tabular section is not correct and reading the entire row section at once as the entire row is identified as one single element. The table is not identified as table / cells are not associated with the table header cells”
This is browser related issue?

We are facing “Link doesn’t have valid content.” If we are trying add any link in document. This will also be browser related?

Can you also confirm on issue
“Reading order of each tabular section is not correct and reading the entire row section at once as the entire row is identified as one single element. The table is not identified as table / cells are not associated with the table header cells”
This is browser related issue?

Yes, according to the results I’ve got (see my comment) it it highly likely that the issue is related to the browser PDF rendering engine. The tests with Adobe Acrobat shows that the content is properly tagged.

Please check this two videos:

I have noticed that Adobe Acrobat recognized that this is a link while in Chrome it being read as a text.

I was using this sample file link_test.docx (12.2 KB) that I’ve created in Microsoft Word and then converted it to PDF using GroupDocs.Conversion - link_test.docx.pdf (17.9 KB).

Can you please clarify what issue you’re experiencing when reading PDF file with links?

Hi @vladimir.litvinchik In above recording can you please confirm why header is not read out first and footer is not read in end. Only we are reading body in header footer test.pdf

have tested with voice over in mac and getting same result


I have checked the header footer test.pdf file and found that header and footer are represented as artifacts in PDF document see the screenshot from PAC:

Screen readers typically skip the elements that are tagged as artifacts. Artifacts are elements like page numbers or repeated text that are not meant to be read aloud.

Hi @vladimir.litvinchik Thank you for reply. I tried reading via adobe acrobat and voice over in mac but I was not seeing heading related tags over there. Can you please confirm on this ? Also was able to read header in windows chrome using nvda. If this is considered as artifact then screen reader should not read in windows. What the difference in mac and windows can you please help us understand?

Were you able to read table here in windows?


Possibly it happens because different screen readers process artifacts in it’s own way. Have you checked the documentation for NVDA?

May you please clarify which document and which tool to open the PDF file you’re referring to?

@vladimir.litvinchik I have not checked the documentation of NVDA.

I am referring to the header footer test.pdf document only. In windows while using chrome nvda was not able to identify table whereas in mac voice over was able to identify the table


Thank you for the details. So, it seems that the table is properly tagged.

@vladimir.litvinchik Are you able to read the table as well in windows? I tried nvda was not identifying table in windows machine. Can you please confirm?

@vladimir.litvinchik Can you please take a look at reply here The accesibility related tags should not be stripped from headers during pdf conversion - #12 by atir.tahir


Are you able to read the table as well in windows? I tried nvda was not identifying table in windows machine. Can you please confirm?

Since this topic is related to reading order of header and footer please create a separate topic. Thanks

Can you please take a look at reply here The accesibility related tags should not be stripped from headers during pdf conversion - #12 by atir.tahir

Sure, can you please clarify how do you create PDF document, since you wrote that

We are not using here groupdocs for word to pdf conversion.

@vladimir.litvinchik Have added comment along with sample pdf. Can you also take a look have tagged you


I’m sorry for the delayed response. Currently we’re investigating this issue. We’re looking forward to set proper tagging so the reading order is the following:

  • Header
  • Content
  • Footer

Hi @vladimir.litvinchik Can you please share the updates here?


The issue is currently in analysis by the development team.

Hi @vladimir.litvinchik Is there any update on issue?


The issue is assigned to the responsible developer for analysis.

Hi @vladimir.litvinchik Is there any update on above issue?