I’m having a problem with the most recent versions of the Groupdocs.Conversion for java library.
The situation I have is as follows:
My PC:
Windows 10
4 processors and 2 Gb heap space in Java.
Application is built using JDK 8, running it on a JRE 13
I have a very simple word document.
Document Zwart.docx (12.0 KB)
The conversion is done with the following code:
Converter converter = converter = new Converter(m_file.getAbsolutePath());
PdfConvertOptions options = new PdfConvertOptions();
System.out.println("Starting document conversion.");
converter.convert(temppdffile.getAbsolutePath(), options);
System.out.println("Document conversion finished.");
When I do the conversion of the given document with Groupdocs.Conversion 23.11.1 or higher it takes 11 seconds to convert the file (time between the two logged lines in the code).
When I do the conversion with Groupdocs.Conversion 23.6.1 then it only takes 1.1 seconds.
So the newer libraries are 10 times slower then before, and is really unworkable in situations where a lot of documents need to conversed.
This really looks like a bug/issue in your newer versions that it is ten times slower now. Are there any options which could make it as fast as 23.6.1 again?