RedactorChangeLog enhancement in .NET

Can the “RedactorChangeLog” be enhanced to include the number of redactions per document?


We are investigating the possibility to enhance RedactorChangeLog. You investigation ticket ID is REDACTIONNET-309.

Thanks for your quick response


Please try redaction callback feature described here. Any single change of the document, it’s metadata, images and so on results in a call to this redaction callback. So, the simplest counter of the number of redaction per document can be incremented here. More complex solution depends on the your needs: a real callback can return false and might need to split the counters for rejected and applied redactions. Moreover, you may need to split each counter by the type of redactions (text, metadata, images, etc) or even by instances of redactions. That is why it is not implemented, since you can easily implement as detailed counting as you needs. Please share your feedback, if this solution meets your requirements.

I have created a custom logger that implements Ilogger and a Custom RedactCallback that implements IRedactionCallback. Found a problem when I run 2 different types, 1. searchable pdf for a word that does not exist, 2. non searchable pdf for the same word.
The problem both custom logger and the callback gives the same results. I don’t know if the word was not found or was the pdf not searchable

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Can you please share a sample application (also explain the steps to reproduce the issue) along-with both kind of PDF files?

Searchable.pdf (2.6 MB)
NotSearchable.pdf (1.2 MB)
Here is the 2 pdfs.
Do you want just the sample application executable or the code?


Please share sample console application.

The zip file contains my app. Unzip to a directory, then copy to that directory “GroupDocs.Redaction.dll”
version It made the zip too big. Also attached info jpgs for basic instructions and 3 zipped
vb files which is the main part of the test app (2.8 KB) (1.9 KB) (1.5 KB)
Info4.jpg (139.0 KB)
Info1.jpg (118.9 KB)
Info2.jpg (116.4 KB)
Info3.jpg (158.0 KB) (18.4 KB)


Thank you for the details. We are investigating this issue. Your investigation ticket ID is REDACTIONNET-310. As there’s any update, we’ll notify you.