Restrict additional fields in the search results using text search API for .NET

foreach (var item in getAllDocuments)
index.Events.FileIndexing += (sender, args) =>
if (args.DocumentFullPath.EndsWith(item.Location))
args.AdditionalFields = new DocumentField[] // Setting additional fields for the current document
new DocumentField(“ProjectName”, item.ProjectName),
new DocumentField(“DataRoomName”, item.DataRoomName),
new DocumentField(“FolderName”, item.FolderName),
new DocumentField(“UserName”, model.DisplayUserName)

while creating an index i’m adding the additional fields.those additional fields should not come as search to restrict that.


We are investigating this scenario. Your investigation ticket ID is SEARCHNET-2286. As there’s any update, you’ll be notified.


We have an update on SEARCHNET-2286. Yes, you can prevent search results. For example, like this:
query = “Einstain AND NOT (additional_field_name: Einstain)”.
Secondly, You can add attributes instead of additional fields. Attributes do not appear in the search results and you can filter search results by them. Please download API version 20.8.