Selected Annotation type hide when save button press

Hey Dear @Atir_Tahir ,

Is It possible? The selected annotations type will be hide when the saving button pressed.

Actually, we want to hide the selected annotation type options when saving the document. (3.4 MB)


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We’ve logged this request on GitHub. Please keep track of think link.

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We’ve implemented show/hide UI annotations toggle button. Just rebuild GroupDocs.Annotation MVC project.

@Atir_Tahir, I checked and rebuild the project, but no changes effected.

image.jpg (256.7 KB)


We’re further investigating it here.

@Atir_Tahir, Kindly share the timeline, I am still waiting.


It seems that the issue is in configuration.
Could you please try following steps:

  1. Remove file GroupDocs.Annotation-for-.NET-MVC/src/client/package-lock.json
  2. Remove folder GroupDocs.Annotation-for-.NET-MVC/src/client/node_modules/@groupdocs.examples.angular
  3. Rebuild and run solution.
  4. Refresh app in browser using Ctrl+F5.