Signature Emails


We are using custom email for our signature email notifications in our API installation. In our case, end users send signatures request to recipients. How do we change the token so that the person who sent the signature request name appears in the email and not the groupdocs admin? What token should we use because {OwnerFirstName} {OwnerLastName} is for groupdocs admin. I need the token for document owner.

Second question: As the owner of the document, this email: Envelope sent - Owner email template - does not send. Wondering why?


Thank you for your request. Yes, you can change email tokens. To do that please open your account settings and navigate to the Apps->Signature, you will see email templates, there you will be able to use tokens, for example: Dear {OwnerFirstName}, - {OwnerFirstName} will be replaced with owner first name when the email will be sent.


Yes, I know where and how to change the tokens, but what I'm saying is that I need the token for the document owner, not the groupdocs admin owner. This token {OwnerFirstName} is for groupdocs admin first name. What is the token for the document owner first name? So that when our customer sends an envelope out for signature their name appears. We have an API install and are not using the APP version.


Thank you for coming back. Could you please provide next info: do you use subuser (you create a user in your GroupDocs account for each user which creats envelop),which user is trying to create an envelope (owner of the envelop), which user’s document is used (owner of the document), etc., just to be sure we are on the same “page” with you. Then we will implement this token, because we currently don’t have such functionality.


We're not creating a new user for groupdocs through the API, however, we are allowing the user to create and own the envelop and document, which they then assign recipients to sign. With that we need a token for the envelop and document owner who sent it out for signature, not the groupdocs owner. For example when our customer sends a signature request, in the email to the recipient my name appears as the owner, but I did not send the request, it's because I'm the groupdocs admin.


Thank you for detailed response. We will investigate this and if possible we will add such functionality in the next release.