Signature Envelop Email

When building an envelope you can add to the email subject and body. Is there anyway to customize the complete email?

I have done this so far.

$signature_envelope_info->emailSubject = “Your contract for medical transport is ready to be signed.!”;
$signature_envelope_info->emailBody = “Sign this here contract!”;

My new subject has been placed in front of default subject text. I want to eliminate the default subject text. Is that possible?

I also want to customize the name of the person who has prepared the document. Is that possible?

Can I add html in the body?

Thank you for your request.

Yes you can use your custom templates for the emails. For it you should customize these templates in the GroupDocs dashboard .

If you will have more questions please feel free to contact us.


Best regards,
Evgen Efimov
Your Document Collaboration APIs
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Can you explain more about how to do this?


Thank you for coming back. For more info about the email templates please check this documentation.

Best regards.