Slow conversion time for certain DOCX file in .NET

Using GroupDocs.Viewer 22.1.1 to convert the attached DOCX file to HTML takes approximately 16 seconds in .NET 4.7.2.
Could you please check why conversion takes so long for just 18 pages?

            using (var viewer = new Viewer(doc))
                var htmlViewOpts = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources();
                var viewOptions = ViewInfoOptions.FromHtmlViewOptions(htmlViewOpts);
                var info = viewer.GetViewInfo(viewOptions);

                var options = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources();



I have analyzed your file:
This file contains 12 charts. Charts are not simple pictures (!), that contain a lot of data from external Excel files, that should be rendered.

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Alright, thank you.
I also expected charts to be the problem, but wanted to make sure.

I measured the timings and ~85% of the total time to convert the document, was spent in GetViewInfo.
Would it maybe be possible to move “chart rendering” to the “.View” function call, where it actually renders the pages.
If we can view at least the first few pages already in our viewer, it would feel much faster.


I still investigating your issue and respond soon.

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Hi @Clemens_Pestuka

We can’t skip charts loading/rendering because it is required to get a page count.

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Hi @mikhail.evgrafov.aspose,

Sorry for the late response.
I understand that the size of the chart is relevant for the page count, but isn’t there some fixed size defined for each chart?
image.png (94.7 KB)
Also when typing something, the chart moves and does not scale, so to me it looks like the size is already defined.
Can you please double check?

Hi @Clemens_Pestuka

Sure, I check that.

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I logged your issue to our internal issue tracking system with ID VIEWERNET-3887. If there’s any update, you’ll be notified.

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Perfect, thank you :+1:


You are welcome!