Slow conversion time on VirtualBox VMs

GroupDocs.Viewer conversion is much slower when running von VirtualBox machines.
I also tried with VMWare and Hyper-V virtual machines and there was only a small (and expected) performance drop from virtualization.
With VirtualBox however it’s 3 to 4 times as slow.
For example the included “K03.10289.101.1_REV4.dwg” takes about 8 seconds to convert locally and 35 seconds on the VM. A docx file for example was 3,6 times slower.

I have prepared a minimal VirtualBox VM with the issue reproducible.

Password for Administrator is “Pa$$w0rd”
On the Desktop there are is a “ViewerSpeedTest” folder with a simple test app. (You can of course test with your own apps, it should not matter)
You can use it to convert the included “K03.10289.101.1_REV4.dwg” file like this:.
GroupDocs Core.png (39.8 KB)
This file was also used in this discussion:

So it should convert way faster than that.
Can you please check why conversion is that much slower on VirtualBox VMs?


Thank you for sharing the VM and your results. We’ll investigate this issue and update you.

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Hi @Clemens_Pestuka

About performance on VirtualBox VM:

Performance little bit better if:

  • I change chipset to ICH9 in VM settings
  • If I leave HOST OS enough memory to run

I compared .net framework performance and Core performance and it show valuable performance comparison:

DWG file .NET Framework: 13-14 secs .NET CORE: 8-9 secs
DOCX file with 50+ pages: 1141 ms .NET CORE: 221 ms

So it is a reason to move project to .NET CORE.

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Hi @mikhail.evgrafov.aspose,

Thank you for your analysis :slight_smile:
I wanted to test switching to ICH9 chipset, but I noticed the performance issue was already gone (10 seconds with .NET).
After double checking everything, it turned out that hypervisor caused my performance problem.
I deactivated it for VMWare, but VirtualBox seems to rely on it to some extent.
So this command was fixing the issue for me:

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto

Sorry for the inconvenience, this was not a GroupDocs problem.
We definitely will consider moving to .NET (Core) as it really seems to improve general performance :slight_smile:



No problem.