Small type - double colon

I noticed that there is a double colon added in the right hand panel. There is:

"Comments for annotation::"

Can I replace double colon with a single colon somehow or is it hardcoded?

Hello Mariusz,

Sorry to see you get this problem. Yes, there are few ways to remove the double semicolon. The first semicolon comes from the localization the second one is added using CSS ( So, for the time being you can do one of next things:
  • Redefine the .colon::after class to have no content
  • Remove the colon class from the h3 tag (h3.com_heading.colon) with JavaScript.
  • Provide custom localization where words will come without hardcoded semicolons.
Sorry for the inconvenience, this issue is planned to be fixed in the next release.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ANNOTATIONJAVA-671) have been fixed in this update.

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