StructureMap Exception Code: 207\nInternal exception while creating Instance 'c35bed44-23d9-4b43-bd8c-e5831f113e74' of PluginType Groupdocs.Data.ISaasposeDb- Groupdocs.Web.Annotation- Version= Culture=neutral- PublicKeyToken=null. Check the i

Hi Team,

I am using Groupdocs Annotation with integrating SQL Server 2008. getting error while getting objectfactry.GetInstance method. Error message . "An exception of type 'StructureMap.StructureMapException' occurred in StructureMap.dll but was not handled in user code " .

I am running my application localy and configured my database with all the required tabels for annotation. But not shure why i am getting this error message. I have followed some forum which has the same issue.



Hello Vishnu,

We are sorry to hear that you have this issue. We need to know more about this exception:
1. Please provide us full details about it. Full stack trace, inner exception(s) (if they are present), all other relevant details. All of these things can be found by clicking the “View detail…” button on the “exception message” popup panel (on your screenshot).

2. Please check your GroupDocs.Annotation initialization code. It is usually located in the Global.asax, “Application_Start” method (at least it should be there if you are using a sample project as a template for your project). Put a breakpoint at the “Groupdocs.Web.Annotation.WidgetFactory.Initialize” method and make sure that this method is invoked on project startup.

Thanks and waiting for your reply.

Hi denisgvardionov,

I foloowed your suggestion. I put a break point in application start and the break point passed Annotation.Initialise method . I am posting the inner exception what i am getting. and also i have posted my application in drop box .



Hello Vishnu,

We’ve downloaded, reviewed and investigated your project. We’ve made the next things:
1. Downgraded the library Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.dll from your version to the version (this was described here).

2. Added the reference to the GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET library.

3. Added a file “Quick_Start_Guide_To_Using_GroupDocs.pdf” to the “App_Data” folder.

4. Updated the “SaasposeDb” connection string in the web.config → configuration → connectionStrings section. It seems that your “SaasposeDb” connection string is a reason of the problem.

As a result, the project is working for us.

If you will have more questions please feel free to contact us.

Hi denisgvardionov,

Thank you for your reply, Could you please tell me what was the issue in the connection string which i have declared in SaasposeDb. As i used entity framework. The model has generated the connection string. Could you please let me know which section in the connection string went wrong. It will be great for me to work on GroupDocs and integrate to SQL Server.



Hello Vishnu,

Unfortunately I cannot answer because I know nothing about your environment, database settings, actual database and all other things like that. I simply changed the “SaasposeDb” connection string to meet my own credentials. Here it is:

<add name=“SaasposeDb”
connectionString=“metadata=res:///Saaspose.csdl|res:///Saaspose.ssdl|res://*/Saaspose.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="Data Source=MY_SQL_SERVER_INSTANCE;Initial Catalog=GroupdocsAnnotationDatabaseName;User ID=MyUsername;Password=MyPassword"”
providerName=“System.Data.EntityClient” />

I have a database with the structure that is present here: “How to use GroupDocs Annotation for .NET with MSSQL Server”, section “2. Database structures” → “GroupDocs.Annotation ver 1.5, 1.6, and 1.7 database schema script”. All is working well. Please try to use the connection string that I’ve posted, just change the SQL Server instance name, user name and password to meet your credentials.

Also please make sure that your database schema is compatible with this schema.