Trying to install PDFViewer into my android application but getting Zip64 EOCD locator found but Zip64 format is not supported error

So I’m trying to implement the PDFViewer into my android application. I’m running…

  • Java 17.0.2
  • Gradle 7.1.2
  • Android API - 30

I’m using Maven to install the repository…

repositories {
maven { url ""}

dependencies {
implementation 'com.groupdocs:groupdocs-viewer:21.11'

My gradle sync succeeds, but when I go to run the build I get the following error…

Zip64 EOCD locator found but Zip64 format is not supported: /Users/will/.gradle/caches/transforms-3/58e843ea9c24f9676dc88165b64164b5/transformed/jetified-groupdocs-viewer-21.11.jar

When I inspected the .jar file I noticed it was being built with Java 1.7 in November 2021. I’m curious as to…

  1. Why is it being built with Java 1.7 in 2021
  2. What versions of Java does this product support?
  3. Do you have any advice/ support for this error?
  4. What version of Gradle does this product support?


Thank you for posting this issue. We have created the issue in our internal bug-tracker. The issue ID is VIEWERJAVA-2759. As soon as we have any updates we’ll let you know.

Our intention is to support as many as possible. In the nearest future, we’re planning to drop support of Java 7 and publish only Java 8 (LTS) package.

Java 7 and later versions.

We’ll try to reproduce this error on our side and will update you.

We’ll investigate this issue too.

Thanks for the reply, if you need more info, this is happening on MacOS Big Sur 11.6.1 and I’m using Android Studio 2021.1.1


Ok, thank you for the details. We’re looking into this issue and update you as soon as we have any information.


We’ve completed the investigation of this issue and found that GroupDocs.Viewer package can’t be used with Android tools due to the internal structure and package size. Unfortunately, we can’t provide a workaround or quick fix for this issue. The solution that may work in this case is offloading document processing logic to the service. We’re providing Cloud API and SKD for Java.

Thanks for the response.


You’re welcome!