Unable to View big files in Groupdocs Viewer version 20.8

while trying to view large file (sample drive link → 100% biology selection (1).pdf - Google Drive)

My application is getting stuck.

after debugging I found that the api → viewer/loadDocumentPage is the main culprit.

in the above api we are executing a function named as → GetPageDescritpionEntity from here we are executing customViewer.CreateCache(); in create cache function we are executing this.viewer.View(this.pngViewOptions, missingPages);this.pngViewOptions and the application is getting stuck on the below code →

        PngViewOptions createdPngViewOptions = new PngViewOptions(pageNumber =>
            string fileName = $"p{pageNumber}.png";
            string cacheFilePath = this.cache.GetCacheFilePath(fileName);

            return File.Create(cacheFilePath);


Thank you for adding a link to the source file. It is quite heavy in size but contains only one page. I have also tested it with the latest version of GroupDocs.Viewer and it managed to render PDF to PNG in 5 min. We’ll investigate this issue and share the updates with you here.