Unable to view files with lots of pages in GroupDocs Viewer

I have a file with around 600 pages and I am not able to process the file I tried the same on GroupDocs Viewer Online but still same issue

sharing the file for your reference.



Thank you for sharing the file. Please add the following info:

  1. When running locally do you receive any exceptions or process is stuck?
  2. What version of GroupDocs.Viewer you’re using and what OS you’re running?

The process is being stuck, and the version is 20.8 but the problem is this is not even working on groupdocs viewer website


I could open the attached file using GroupDocs.Viewer App. May you please try one more time?

No, I can’t upload the file.

image.png (62.2 KB)

More Importantly, I can’t upload the files from my application, if the file pages are more


Thank you for sharing the screenshot. We’ll investigate this issue and update you.

Do we have any updates on this?


We have reproduced this issue on Linux. The issue is specific to the file you have attached and related to excessive memory allocation. As soon as we have any new updates we’ll let you know.

Thanks a lot for your timely response, I hope this will fixed soon for us as it is on priority and many of our clients are facing the same issue.


The attached document contains 591 pages. It takes about 7 minutes to render all the pages. Taking into account that the document is not curupted and all the pages can be rendered with both GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 20.8 and the latest version 24.4 it seems that the application is trying to render all the pages so it seems like the app is not responding. The solution could be enabling rendering in chunks. Can you please clarify which application you’re using. It seems to be one of the demo applications from GroupDocs.Viewer repository at GitHub.

In case of online Viewer App application the issue appears due to the memory consumption and limits that set for the process. This issue will be investigated by the team.

Hello, Any updates on this?


Please check my previous comment.

how to enable rendering in chunk? is there any options in groupdocs?


Yes, you can render any number of pages in one call to View method. See Render specific pages documentation topic.

sorry for replying this late, I tried this but the problem is we don’t store the pages data in the directory for security reasons and hence we delete all the data after user closes the viewer and store the data again when user open the viewer again, during that time Groupdocs has an api “Loaddocumentdescription” which redownload all the pages (page wise) and this is also taking a lot of time.


Typically, rendering time depends on file type, size and it contents. Since you can’t store the output pages in the directory you can store pages in memory or instance of Viewer class with some expiration time.

No this is not possible as every client of our who is using this product process 10,000 to 12,000 files in a day and the product is being used in a large scale orgs.

storing these number of files will be very painful and we store all the files as encrypted in the file server(which is again a different server).


Please share the files that you have performance issues with and we’ll take a look.

We cannot share the files with you. but the files with 300, 400 pages perform very badly