Underline leaves behind blue text upon removal

Blue text is present where underline annotation used to exist.

SO: Windows 10
Java version: RedHat OpenJDK 11.0.10
GroupDocs.Conversion version: 21.7.2

sample.docx (12.6 KB)
result-text-underline.docx (13.5 KB)
result-removed-annotation.docx (10.6 KB)


Are you evaluating GroupDocs.Annotation or GroupDocs.Conversion? Since, you mentioned Conversion API, could you please specify the output file format (to what format you are trying to convert the source file)? Also share the sample application/code.

Sorry, I accidentally mentioned GroupDocs.Conversion lib instead of GroupDocs.Annotation lib.


Please share following details and we’ll look into this scenario:

  • Sample application/code
  • A short video explaining the steps to reproduce the issue

Hello @Atir_Tahir, the sample code is attached. I get the base code from GroupDocs github repository and I did some small changes to AddTextUnderlineAnnotation class.

Github: GitHub - groupdocs-annotation/GroupDocs.Annotation-for-Java: GroupDocs.Annotation for Java examples, plugins, and showcase
Revision: 785c69c
AddTextUnderlineAnnotation.zip (1016 Bytes)
groupdocs-text-underline-issue.png (141.1 KB)


Thanks for the details. We are investigating this issue. Your investigation ticket ID is ANNOTATIONJAVA-1402. You’ll be notified in case of any update.


Is there any update regarding this topic?


This ticket is still under investigation.


This issue has been fixed in GroupDocs.Annotation for Java 23.10. You can install the latest version by updating the package version to 23.10 in your pom file.
