UnsatisifiedLinkError when using latest version (21.1)

I just updated to latest version 21.1 as it was stated that an issue ciritical for my application was fixed in it.
As I try to run the application (or the given examples), the program crashes with an UnsatisfiedLinkError:

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: 'java.util.Map com.groupdocs.conversion.internal.c.a.w.WindowsNativeCall.readRegistryStringValues(int, java.lang.String)'

This happens when using the version obtained from http://repository.groupdocs.com/repo/ using maven as well as when using the locally installed version downloaded from Downloads ---New-Releases-groupdocs.viewer-for-.net-21.1 .. (Invalid install file (install.bat) here btw).
More specifically, the error is only raised, when any Converter.convert(...) method is called.

Has anybody had the same problem or does know what to do here?

Thanks in advance!

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Do you face this issue for a particular file or file format? Please share the sample code as as well and we’ll look into this scenario.

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Thanks for the quick response.

I came across this when trying to convert docx to pdf, but several of the conversions runin the examples given at GitHub (https://github.com/groupdocs-conversion/GroupDocs.Conversion-for-Java/tree/master/Examples) produces this error.

All but the following examples produce the error:

  • ConvertToJpg.run()
  • ConvertToPng.run()
  • ConvertToPsd.run()

While the error occures, the documents are still converted though.

A follow up question maybe. I only updated to version 21.1 hoping WordML files would be supported when converting from streams. It still says that the type is not supported. It works when converting the file from disk.
Can you say, if and when this will work with streams?

Best regards!

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We cannot reproduce this issue using this code example and API version 21.1. Could you please share a simple console application using that issue could be reproduced? Have a look at the source and output files.zip (545.7 KB).

Could you please also share the sample code and the file?

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Sorry if there was a little misunderstanding. I said that the three examples I listed above are the only ones that work. All other examples run in said error.

Especially the case of converting a Word file (stored in WordML format) to pdf is the one interesting for me.

With the following example I reproduce the UnsatisfiedLinkError as well as the problem with using streams as input:
MinimalExample.zip (6.8 KB)

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Thank you for the clarification. We have reproduced this issue and it’s been logged in our internal issue tracking system with ID CONVERSIONJAVA-1262. You’ll be notified in case of any progress update.

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This issue will be fixed in API version 21.3. As release gets on-board, you’ll be notified.

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That’s good news, thanks for keeping in touch!

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You’re welcome.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CONVERSIONJAVA-1262) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by yevgen-nykytenko

I get the exact same error in 21.4. I get this error while converting docx file to pdf, it converts the file but writes the error to console. Attaching sample source and doc file. GroupDocs.Conversion_21.4_myTest.zip (9.7 KB)


We created a new thread on your behalf and it’s answered here.