Using Groupdocs Annotation getting error message Windows.Modernizr.csstransfroms is null or not an object

Hi Team,

I am new to Group docs. Currently i am using trial version of Groupdocs Annotation .net dll. While executing the program i am getting jquery error Windows.Modernizr.csstransfroms is null or not an object. I have included all jquery files and also refered AnotationScripts(). But still i am Getting this error and not loading the document. Cloud you please help me out to resolve this issue.

I was trying to attach the code but it was throwing 404 server error . I was trying to attach zip file but it is not taking.

I have added this dlls

Groupdocs.Web.Annotation -

Owin.dll, StructireMap.dll, Microsoft.ASPNet.SignalR.Core,Microsoft.ASPNet.SignalR.Owin , ,Microsoft.ASPNet.SignalR.SystemWeb, Microsft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb And all SQL dlls.


Hello Vishnuvardhan, thank you for interest in GroupDocs.

Sorry to see you get this problem. We will investigate it and respond here asap. Please, stay tuned.
Can you also specify what browser and its version are you using?

Hi ihor,

I am using IE-8 Version- 8.0.7601.17514



Hello Rajesh,

Sorry for the delay. You have uploaded two solutions with custom modifications, so the investigation has taken some amount of time.

Project “GroupDocs_Annotate”.
1. You are using improper version of the Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.dll. It should be, not the Proper version can be found in the “bin” folder of GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET package.
2. You are using GroupDocs.Annotation and GroupDocs.Viewer features simultaneously, but in the wrong way:
2.1. You are mixing client-side libraries in the “_Layout.cshtml” shared view. For GroupDocs.Viewer you should use only “@Html.CreateViewerScriptLoadBlock().LoadJquery().LoadJqueryUi()”, while for GroupDocs.Annotation - “@Html.Groupdocs().AnnotationScripts()”.
2.2. You have not added a “routes.MapAnnotationRoutes();” to the “RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes” method.
2.3. You need to remove all “Groupdocs.Web.UI.Viewer.*” methods from the Global.asax.
3. In general, when yours project is configured for using GroupDocs.Annotation functionality, GroupDocs.Viewer will work properly without other tricks, because GroupDocs.Annotation already performs all necessary GroupDocs.Viewer initialization.

Project “GroupDocsAnnotation”.
1. The same problem with the improper version of the Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.dll.
2. Absence of the “routes.MapAnnotationRoutes();” to the “RouteConfig.RegisterRoutes” method.
3. You need to add a ” to the “system.webServer” node of the web.config.

Thank you for your interest in GroupDocs.

Hi denisgvardionov,

Tahnk you for your reply. I have followed your suggestion for project GroupDocs_Annotate it did not worked for me. I have removed all GroupDocsViewer reference and added all configuration in Global.asax and web.config pages. I am still getting javascript error Windows.Modernizr.csstransform is null or not an object .

But when i added the script refenrce modernizr and knockout in layout page

Modernizr error is not coming but i am getting another javascript error

$.ui.GroupdocsViewer.Prototype is null or not an object

And if click on continue i am geeting another error SignalR is not loaded.

I have attached by updated project with the screen shot of the error i am getting.

Please guide me if i am missing something in the application.



Hello Vishnu,

One correct project is more useful than a thousand of words. :slight_smile: So we’ve downloaded your project, fixed it and re-uploaded to the Dropbox. Here it is.

List of things which were changed/added/removed:
1. Global.asax and classes in the App_Start
2. New “libs” folder with Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.dll library version 2.0
3. “_Layout.cshtml” in the "\GroupDocs_Annotation\Views\Shared"
4. I’ve also updated a reference to the GroupDocs.Annotation ver
5. I’ve also added one annotation to the document - you should see it after deploying a project.
6. I’ve reviewed only general project structure and “Home” controller and corresponding view.

If you will have more questions please feel free to contact us.

Hi denisgvardionov,

Tahnk you for your timely reply. I have used the dlls in my Working application annotation worked for me. But i have some queries regarding file accessability. If i want a file to be shown in the application which is placed in remote server shared folder or in local machines drive. How we can achive this. Because i have given the file path of the shared folder like


FileInfo objfileinfo=new FileInfo(ViewBag.Filepath);



















ViewBag.Filepath is the file where it is located. But it is throwing error file cannot be found. It will be helpfull for me how we can load files which is located in shared folder.

And also i have one more query. If any annotation is done for a document and when we select as load with comments. is that annotaion data is stored in database.

Please help me out on the above query.


Hello Vishnu,

1. If your documents are located on other machine, not on those, where a web-site with GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET is located, then the best way for obtaining and opening files is to use byte streams. Just open the target file as a System.IO.FileStream and pass this streams to the “.Stream()” method. This method takes two parameters: stream itself (contains an actual document) and file name (considered as an identifier of the document). You can find an example how to use streams in the “GroupDocs.Annotation C# Demos” package, “Groupdocs.Demo.Annotation.Mvc.WithStreams” project.

2. This query is unclear for me, please explain more detailed. When you add a particular annotation to the original document, doesn’t matter, with comment(s) or not, GroupDocs.Annotation saves this particular annotation in the database (it may be SQL Server, SQL Server Compact or JSON storage, depends on the GroupDocs.Annotation settings). Original file is not modified in any case. When you perform an export of the document with or without the comments, GroupDocs.Annotation creates a new file (usually PDF), which is an exact copy of the original document, but with annotations, embedded inside. If my answer is not what you want to know, please clarify your request.

If you will have more questions please feel free to contact us.