View PDF file with seal in .NET

Hello,recently I have a problem when I view a pdf with a seal.
This is the source file hzb.pdf (21.2 KB),when I use groupdocs.viewer 17.2.0 for .Net ,it can show the seal on bottom right corner,like this 172.jpg (167.3 KB),but when I use groupdocs.viewer 18.5.0 for .Net ,the seal disappear in the viewer result,like this185.jpg (172.2 KB),how to view the pdf with the seal in 18.5.
Thanks for support!

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GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET offers HTML, Images and PDF based rendering/conversion. Please specify the rendering type you are following in your code (or share your sample code with us).

I got the same result with HTML and Images.

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We’d recommend you to use latest version of the API that is 20.4. Have a look at this output (45.8 KB) generated using version 20.4.