View PDF returns Endpoint not found


I can’t seem to open any PDF file using the .NET Viewer control and the following setting enabled on the JS widget:

useHtmlBasedEngine: true

Is there a restriction I don’t know?


Hello Dexter,

Thank you for posting. As we discussed in the live chat please share with us your code from the next files:

1. Web.Config
2. Viewer initialization code (where you set root storage)
3. Full code of the Viewer widget

Thank you.

We are using a self-hosting .net demo, thus no web.config or initialization code is available

The code of the viewer widget is below:

localizedStrings: localizedStrings,
thumbsImageBase64Encoded: thumbsImageBase64Encoded,
filePath: “file.pdf”,
quality: 100,
showThumbnails: false,
openThumbnails: true,
initialZoom: 100,
zoomToFitWidth: true,
onlyShrinkLargePages: false,
zoomToFitHeight: false,
width: 0,
height: 0,
backgroundColor: null,
showFolderBrowser: false,
showPrint: true,
showDownload: false,
showZoom: true,
showPaging: true,
showViewerStyleControl: true,
showSearch: true,
preloadPagesCount: null,
preloadPagesOnBrowserSide: false,
convertWordDocumentsCompletely: false,
viewerStyle: 1,
supportTextSelection: true,
usePdfPrinting: false,
toolbarButtonsBoxShadowStyle: null,
toolbarButtonsBoxShadowHoverStyle: null,
thumbnailsContainerBackgroundColor: null,
thumbnailsContainerBorderRightColor: null,
toolbarBorderBottomColor: null,
toolbarInputFieldBorderColor: null,
toolbarButtonBorderColor: null,
toolbarButtonBorderHoverColor: null,
thumbnailsContainerWidth: 0,
jqueryFileDownloadCookieName: ‘jqueryFileDownloadJSForGD’,
showDownloadErrorsInPopup: false,
showImageWidth: false,
showHeader: true,
minimumImageWidth: 0,
enableStandardErrorHandling: true,
useHtmlBasedEngine: true,
useHtmlThumbnails: false,
useImageBasedPrinting: true,
fileDisplayName: null,
downloadPdfFile: false,
searchForSeparateWords: false,
preventTouchEventsBubbling: false,
useInnerThumbnails: false,
watermarkText: null,
watermarkColor: null,
watermarkPosition: ‘Diagonal’,
watermarkFontSize: 0,
printWithWatermark: false,
supportPageReordering: false,
searchHighlightColor: null,
currentSearchHighlightColor: null,
treatPhrasesInDoubleQuotesAsExactPhrases: false,
usePngImagesForHtmlBasedEngine: false,
showOnePageInRow: false,
loadAllPagesOnSearch: false,
useEmScaling: false,
ignoreDocumentAbsence: false,
supportPageRotation: false,
useRtl: false

Also, note we have no troubles in seeing the PDF with useHtmlBasedEngine turned off. So, this had to be an easy response from you…

I can now provide more information for you.

It appears that the message I have attached applies when the your service is trying to render an image placed inside the PDF. All other text is converted fine (tested this with other PDFs as well) but once if founds an image, it replace it with that error.

I wonder if there is a setting on the server that has to be applied?

Hello again,

Thank you for all details. Yes, we have reproduced the bug and created a bug ticket. Our product team will resolve it and then we will notify you here.

As a temporary solution please use useHtmlBasedEngine: false

Sorry for the inconvenience.