View PowerPoint files with RTL support in ASP.NET MVC

For what is worth, I suspect your file conversion (I meant on viewing) does not support right to left (Hebrew, Arabic,…) in pptx files.


Please share sample PPTX and code that you are using to view/render the document.

Using you .net MVC example, pptx. can not be uploaded from here. Interesting.
English sentence Google translated into Persian, Hebrew and Arabic.

image.png (8.7 KB)

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Please upload sample PPTX to some cloud storage (e.g. Dropbox) and share its link here. We’ll then investigate the issue.

Here it is.

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Thanks. We have logged this issue. We will now investigate it. Please follow this GitHub link as well.

Hello. Any update?
20.3 still doesn’t support RTL, at least in viewing pptx.


This seems to be a front-end related issue that is why it’s been logged on GitHub and we are investigating it. We’ll notify you as there’s any update.


Your reported issue is now fixed. Please clone/download latest commit and let us know if there’s any issue.

Thank you. On that sample appear to work, I will have a look at other samples.
Perhaps, I need to ask you issue another ticket, on the searching. On the same set of slides, on conversion only the Western Latin characters can be searched and highlighted, not the Hebrew, Arabic or Persian.

I am sorry, I answered your question in haste. You update (v20.4) appear to have worked with the Hebrew and Arabic (please refer to slide number 2 for testing), the correct RTL alignment is in page 3 as an image.
You will find that Persian sentence (the sentence after the English one) is incorrectly presented, as at least two characters are not correctly joined (i.e. the same alphabet character , depending on its position in the word, shall have different shape)


Please have a look at this screenshot.JPG (50.4 KB). Can you please elaborate where is the issue exactly (incorrect sentence representation). We’ll appreciate your cooperation.