Viewing embedded documents


I notice in the example for the .Net front end, there’s a lot of javascript powering the viewing and signing of the document.

In the example, I see this:

$(function () { $(’#groupdocs-signature’).groupdocsSignature({
documentGuid: ‘Storage\sample.pdf’,
recipientGuid: ‘71d1f3ef88a5d7fe32f4c46588a69887’,
hostUrl: ‘’,
showHeader: true,
showTypeItTab: true,
showUploadTab: true,
signaturePenColors: ["#0036D9","#5F5F5F","#E15F5F","#2DB200"],
dateFormats: [“”,“dd/mm/yy”,“d/m/yy”,“d.m.yy”,“m/d/yy”,“m.d.yy”,“mm/dd/yy”,“mm.dd.yy”,“yy-m-d”,“yy/mm/dd”,“yy-mm-dd”]

My question is regarding documentGuid.

I see here it’s a path to the file, however for our needs, we are served bytes from a service. Is there a way to do that using the viewer?



Thank you for using GroupDocs.Signature for .NET

There can be a number of ways to achieve your desired functionality. One way to do this could be saving the bytes you are getting from the service as a document and then sending the path of the saved file as the document Guid. Hope this solves your issue.

Best Regards,