Visual issue converting certain annotation on PDF to HTML

Using GroupDocs.Viewer 24.5 there is a smaller visual problem with the signature / annotation on the PDF.
Some parts of the text below the annotation are not shown correctly.
image.png (445.1 KB)

This problem can be seen on page 17 and only happens when converting to HTML.
Converting to PNG looks perfectly fine.
Contrat Santé.zip (2.4 MB)

        using (var viewer = new Viewer(documentPath))
            var options = ViewOpts.HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources("output_viewer{0}.html");
            options.PdfOptions.WrapImagesInSvg = true;


Thank you for attaching the screenshot and sample file. I have reproduced this issue. The issue ID is VIEWERNET-4886. We’ll let you know in case of any updates.

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