Watermark options


Is it possible to set font family, size, style and transparency for watermark text?

We are looking for these kind of settings:

new System.Drawing.Font(fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, GraphicsUnit.Point)

If plugin parameters don’t include these options, is it possible to modify something through javascript when document finishes loading?

Thank you for your help!

Hello Deric,

Thank you for your request. Unfortunately no, none of these features are supported currently. The watermark text is stamped to the document and it’s a one element with document page - since that it’s not possible to change it via JS or CSS.

If more licensed users will require such feature we will investigate if it’s possible to add such feature.

Best regards.

Thank you for the feedback, Pavel.

Let me know if team includes these options in future releases.


Yes, sure we will keep you updated.

Best regards.