Watermark overlays text, converting certain PDF to HTML in .NET

Converting the attached PDF to HTML, causes a semi-transparent watermark, to be rendered opaque.
This overlays the text and makes the document partially unreadable.
I was able to reproduce the problem with latest GroupDocs.Viewer 24.9.

The problem seems to be triggered, by setting WrapImagesInSvg to true.

            using (var viewer = new Viewer(documentPath))
                var options = HtmlViewOptions.ForEmbeddedResources("output_viewer{0}.html");
                options.PdfOptions.WrapImagesInSvg = true;

Attaching the source PDF and two HTML outputs as a sample:
Watermark overlays text.zip (722.3 KB)

Can you please take a look at this?

Hi Clemens,

Thanks for the provided PDF file and resultant HTML, we have reproduced the issue exactly as you have described - the WrapImagesInSvg flag slightly modifies the HTML generation algorithm and that’s where the observed distortion occurs. It is a bug, we expect to fix it in the GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET version 24.10, which is planned to be released at the end of October.

With best regards,

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Hi Denis,

Thanks a lot for checking and also for the ETA, that’s always great to know :+1:

Best regards,