Working with GroupDocs.Editor in .NET Core

Hello Team,
Do we have any examples for GroupDocs.Editor in .NET Core? We are looking to implement Groupdocs.Editor in our application which is built on .NET Core 3.1 and it requires adding custom bookmarks to the document.
I had few questions

  • Do we have some examples on .NET Core?
  • Can we add custom context menu to the Editor?
  • Can we work with Bookmarks using GroupDocs.Editor or would that be using Aspose.Words?
  • If we want to use GroupDocs.Editor to edit and Aspose.Words to manipulate, would we need 2 separate licenses?



First thing first, GroupDocs.Editor for .NET is a back-end API that could be integrated in any (new or existing) .NET project. We do have a .NET Core console application, you can download it from GitHub.

If you are concerned managing bookmarks in Word documents then please explore Aspose.Word for .NET API.

Yes, a console application to understand how API works. We already shared download link.

Yes, you can. As API is UI-Agnostic. You can get some help or idea from our existing MVC sample project. Have a look at video demo.

You have to either apply separate licenses or purchase Conholdate.Total license that works with both product families APIs.

Hi Atir,

Thank you for your feedback. I will look at the demos.
I believe we can have APIs as on-premise as well. I understand we have Cloud Based APIs as well. Will evaluate further :slight_smile:

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You’re welcome.