XML serialization issue


I noticed that the XML serialization is terrible :slight_smile: As you can see on the example below the tags are random and not user readable. It’s hard to parse it in an external application since it’s based on your obfustaced class naming. Additionally, the obfustaced names may change with each version so this kind of serialization is at least risky.


Is there any chance to improve it? We might need to implement some conversion between XFDF format and GD format and you’re strange format makes it really hard to do. I know I can probably implement that serialization from scratch by defining my own implementation of I… interfaces, but the out-of-the-box functionality should handle that in a better way. There should be some XML Schema that will define the XML format that will not be changed with the next release.

Hi Mariusz,

We are sorry to see you are facing this problem. We already know about it. It’s already fixed in the 1.8.0 version that is next to being released. Also we will include it in the 1.7.0 version hotfix (1.7.1) that we plan to publish today. Please, stay tuned.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ANNOTATIONJAVA-580) have been fixed in this update.

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More about…XML Serialization


OK, that’s great. I hope it will be published to Maven repository as well! Thank you!

You are welcome. Yes it will be published to the Maven central repository as well.