Diagonal Down Border and Diagonal Up Border cannot be detected

Do you have any updates on the hotfix version yet? I’m eagerly awaiting this information.


We are happy to inform you that we’ve got a solution for this specific issue. Please find a hotfix here. We appreciate your patience.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as COMPARISONNET-3917) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by anton.samarskyy

I checked the 24.5 update and saw: the border is marked black while I did not set that color.


The color of changed shapes is affected by the FontColor option. By default, style changes are marked green. If your ChangedItemStyle.FontColor is set to Black, then the borders of changed shapes will also be black.

In this case, it makes me unable to distinguish whether they are removed or added, so is it a bug?


Please take a look at this code/reply.