FIle not found error

Comparison is working correctly in the development machine but when it was deployed to server, it is unable to render the compared files although both the compared and the result files exists in App_Data folder. I have compared the same code and configuration with the dev and the server machine. They are identical as far as I can tell.

Attached is s screenshot on the comparison.

Also, if this could be helpful. I noticed that the server machine is unable to generate the temp directory with the Cache and Processing files.



Hi Leo,

We are sorry to hear that you have such issue. Since the temp folder doesn’t generated we can assume that the user under which IIS runs have no rights for access the App_Data folder . Please set read/write rights for all users for the App_Data folder.

Thank you.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WEB-1735) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by GroupDocsNotifier.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ANNOTATION-1085) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by GroupDocsNotifier.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ANNOTATION-1085) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by GroupDocs Notifier.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as DOCOMPARE-970) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by GroupDocsNotifier.

Hi Pavel,

I found the issue. It is not the permission but it looks like using network storage for Annotations breaks Compare even if you set up the storage path differently.

I thought this was working but after further investigation it was not. This is a very critical feature to us we just committed that this feature will be available to our customers.

We need your assistance on this.

Attached is the code settings as well as the UI error for compare.

Thank you.


Hi Pavel,

I am working on integrating this and have a question for you.

Based on the release notes:

WEB-1735 Support multiple simultaneous instances of the GroupDocs.Viewer, which can have different root storage paths

Does this mean that I can have different storage locations for Annotations, Viewer, and Compare?

I will be working on this assumption but, would like to confirm with you.




Hi Leo,

Several posts ago and during our meeting I told you that using different storage will break comparing.

I will try to ask our product team to fix it but I can’t promise you that it will be done fast. When I will have any updates for it I will come back to you here.

As a temporary solution you can try to do next:
1. Set the same storage for the Comparison and Annotation - for example App_Data folder
2. On Page_Load event copy the files from the network storage to the App_Data folder
3. On Page_Unload event - move these files back from App_Data folder but make sure that you will not delete the file_session.json file.

The idea is to use the same storage for both libraries as a temporary location that is during work store duplicate files in it, and after completion of the work, they moved from there back into the network storage

Thank you.

Hi Leo,

Thank you for the request. No, this feature is available only for the Viewer. In the Annotation and Comparison it will not work.

Best regards.

Hi Pavel,

Thank you for the prompt reply.

I misinterpreted it for the demo.

Anyways, I hope this is resolved soon.



HI Pavel,

I am confused.

Are you saying that Annotation and Compare when implemented together, the storage MUST still be set to the ~/App_Data directory?

Here is what I am expecting this fix to be able to do and what we want to be able to do when your products are deployed on an application:

Viewer Storage = //ViewerStorageServer/ViewerDirectory
Annotation Storage = //AnnotationStorageServer/AnnotationDirectory
Compare Storage = //CompareStorageServer/CompareDirectory

Instead, based on your response this is what I can do right now with the fix:

Viewer Storage = //ViewerStorageServer/ViewerDirectory
Annotation Storage = ~/App_Data
Compare Storage = ~/App_Data

Is this correct?




Hi Leo,

Sorry for misunderstanding you. Yes, in the latest version of the Viewer (2.14.0) we have a new option “instanceId” which will allow to set different folders for the root storage when using Viewer with Annotation or Comparison in the same project. How it will work when all three library used - I will check it and if all will be ok I will prepare example for how to use it. I will update you tomorrow.

Best regards.

Thanks, Pavel.

Appreciate it.



Hi Leo,

I have checked it and looks like all works well when using all three libraries and different root storage paths. Please download and investigate example project .

In this project you should pay attention on the next:
1. Web.config - handlers block, I have commented the old version that you can compare how it was and how it should be. In few words all Handlers for document Viewer should have “Groupdocs.Viewer"
2. In the Viewer we have new option “ViewerInstanceId(string)”. This option should be set in the two places:
2.1 Global.asax.cs - third option of the SetRootStoragePath and also pay attention that you should call this method twice
ViewerA.SetRootStoragePath(Server.MapPath("~/viewerFiles"), null, “aaa”);
2.2 In the Viewer.aspx.cs - In the Viewer widget you should set “ViewerInstanceId” with exact same value as you set in the Globals:

Best regards.

Thanks, Pavel.

Will try this out.



Hi PAvel,

I am trying out the demo.

So far the Viewer and Annotations seems to be working but I am getting loading error in Comparison.

Please see attached screenshot.



Hi Leo,

We are sorry to hear that you faced with such issue in the demo. Yes, we have reproduced it and we will do all our best to resolve it soon.

When I will have any news about it I will come back to you.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks, Pavel.

I integrated the code to our application. I did not get this error when using compare. Viewer and Annotations are working just right. Temporary files are being created in different directories now.

I did not get an error and the files and redline has been created but no /temp directory being created.

Please see attached screenshot for the UI. See if this rings a bell.



Hi Pavel,

Any news on this issue?

Were you able to resolve the network storage issue when application uses the combined Compare, Annotations, and Viewer?

Do you know when this can be released?

