Header is not recognized by Screen Reader

Hi, I am testing using voice over in mac and found below issues

  1. Header of the PDF is not identified by the Screen Reader(SR)
  2. Heading is not defined for any header element.
  3. Voice over not able to identify images if we add in header

GroupDocs.Total for Java


Can you please provide more details about the specific PDF document you are testing and the methods you are using to create the headers?

header footer test.pdf (87.2 KB)

header footer test.docx (21.5 KB)

I am using these doc and pdf. The voice over is not reading header and footer
Screenshot 2024-11-21 at 5.25.47 PM.jpg (84.8 KB)

Header tag is not present in screenshot.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): TOTALJAVA-236

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Screen readers typically skip the elements that are tagged as artifacts. Artifacts are elements like page numbers or repeated text that are not meant to be read aloud.
We already explained this with a screenshot in this thread.